Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Description of Ambulatory Care and Hospitalization Care Essay

As early as the 1990’s, outpatient care only made up for 10 to 15% of a hospital’s total profits, compared to inpatient care. Since the start of the twenty-first century, this figure has increased to approximately 60%. This shift in healthcare has been occurring in different medical organizations such as university medical centers, local hospitals, for-profit chains, and not-for-profit suppliers. The increase in outpatient services compared to inpatient has been showing no indication of slowing down. The main reason for the development in outpatient care is because of all the medical advancements in techniques and technology that allow for patients to be treated less invasively. Health care organizations are now being compensated in a†¦show more content†¦The development of walk-in clinics at the local CVS Pharmacy or Wal-Mart are part of the freestanding facilities that provide people in communities easier access to treatment without going to a hospital ED. Additionally, the evident convenience aspect of bringing full emergency services to communities, freestanding centers may be less likely to resort to hospital admissions as an outlet to drive throughput. The incentive for ASCs is to emphasize volume and higher rates, while hospitals are considered to regulate utilization. Looking closely, the main purpose originates from ASCs lower cost profile compared to hospitals with the additional benefit of the likely to evade inpatient expenditure. Within ambulatory clinics, there are three levels of service that are preformed based on the type of diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Level one ambulatory service is considered an option to inpatient care with both patient and service parts that corresponds with the point of intensity. The role of this level is to offer alleviation from acute symptom reducing mechanisms such as less severe residential constituents such as the family treatment home for children. Level two ambulatory services are set apart by effective treatment; regularly with a rehab or transitional process that is built-in to the care plan. This process is complete in a staff-supported setting that expands past the care setting into the important sections of the patient’s districtShow MoreRelatedFacility Planning Part 11004 Words   |  5 Pagesgreat need for an ambulatory care center exists in my community. As of now most services that can be offered in such a setting are done at the hospital as a n outpatient service. That service takes up valuable resources that could be used for the inpatient population if an ambulatory care center existed. The community would be well served by an ambulatory care center that provides much needed services without the hassle of hospital registration and waiting times. 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