Monday, February 24, 2020

International strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International strategy - Essay Example International companies have now implemented an international strategy that can enable them to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the global competitive markets. The core competence requires companies to build portfolios of business around shared technical or operating competencies, as well as, develop effective management processes that can enable them to enhance their core competencies. The world economy is highly interconnected; thus it is vital to implement a cooperative strategy that can enable companies to compete favorably while in an attempt to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the competitive business world. Therefore, cooperative strategy can play considerable roles in elevating the social-economic conditions for the neighboring communities and their members. For the past decades, cooperative enterprises have successfully operated in the international markets but the ever changing technology has demanded companies to employ effective cooperative strateg y, which can enable them to achieve a competitive advantage in the global competitive market. Sustainable Competitive Advantage One of the toughest and yet most challenging aspects for most multinational companies is the issues of sustainable competitive advantage. Many multinational companies have the fervor for their innovative products and even publicize that they have no market rivalry for their products. Sustainable competition means being the leader in the market for a longer term. To market products in the global market is not sustainable; thus competitive should be taken broadly to include alternative ways that can enable human resource to solve effectively the problem of rivalry. The advantage should be measured and considerable; thus many companies lead with fuzzy terms such as lower cost of products, improved usability and many others. Therefore, the indicator of sustainable competitive advantage can be viewed through focusing varied aspects such as real intellectual prop erty, dynamic product line, dramatic cost improvements, strong focus on customers and products differentiation, as well as proven organizational team with inside relationships. Ways of Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage Companies operating their business in the global markets need to compete with each in various ways in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the ever increasing competitive markets. Technology is rapidly increasing and this has prompted many companies to utilize Internet and other electronic marketing aspects in order to reach many customers globally. Many of companies employing e-marketing have failed to achieve their demanding needs because of poor implementation of marketing strategy. Therefore, to achieve sustainable competitive advantage, companies should compete with each other and this is through employing effective global strategy that can enable them to achieve sustainable advantage. Many companies have become disheartened with sale s in the global market place; thus the new marketing strategies should be found as the old one becomes saturated. Companies should customize products for the demands of new markets and also determine the consumption behaviors or consumption trend of customers in the global market. The research study indicates that well managed companies have moved from emphasizing on product customizing to providing international standardized products, which are innovative, reliable, low priced and highly functional

Saturday, February 8, 2020

International Differences Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Differences - Term Paper Example This means that without a careful coordinated operation especially in airports it will not be possible to achieve key objectives of the industry. Safety issue being a major concern of various stakeholders the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and its key industry partners had to come together at the initial Global Runway Safety Symposium (GRSS). The main agenda of this strategic meeting was to put in place measures that would ensure that the runway related accidents are put to a halt. At least four hundred and twenty participants from various member states as well as other from the different international aviation organizations were in attendance at the event. A number of recommendations were made with respect runway safety. Key among them includes a combined recognition of the need to come up with a specialized Runway Safety Teams. The need to synchronize key definitions, taxonomies, and safety indicators used in the runway safety was imminent in this meeting. There was also a need to standardize and enhance communication measures not only within the runways but also around the runways. Runways are no doubt an important component of an airport without which no essential aviation operations can take place (Richard de Neufville & Odoni, 2003). A number of aviation standards touch on the safety of the air and runways being such a vital element of the aviation it must always be put under check to ensure that unfortunate events do not happen on the runway at all cost. This need can be justified by the fact that ICAO has held a wide range meetings with various stakeholders aimed at promoting a safe runway. Runway operations has on a number of occasions been accountable for majority the aviation accidents and fatalities just a single source. For instance, in the last five years, of all the accidents reported to the ICAO one third of the case have been directly associated with runway