Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Union Into Civil War - 1549 Words

Slavery, in itself, was the most predominant reason for the breakup of the Union. It fundamentally divided the Free northern states and the Slave southern states, causing immediate tension. However, it was the various conflicts resultant of the central issue of slavery that truly plunged the Union into Civil War. The foremost of these tensions dealt with new territories, particularly those gained in the Mexican cession. The Mexican War was the direct result of â€Å"Manifest Destiny,† or the belief that the United States was ordained by God to control North America from coast to coast, which was introduced by the article used in Document 1. This article by John L. O’Sullivan was written to encourage the â€Å"reception of Texas...for the free†¦show more content†¦Ralph Waldo Emerson said, in Document C, that â€Å"the United States will conquer Mexico, but it will be as the man swallows the arsenic.† This statement points out a key similarity betw een this war and the Civil War- both were tainted by slavery. The Mexican War would result in new slave states, making abolitionists angry, resulting in the conflicts that started the Civil War. Document D, written by David Wilmot of the Wilmot Proviso, reveals the tensions created by the Mexican cession, saying, â€Å"I ask not that slavery be abolished, I demand that this government preserve the integrity of free territory against the aggressions of slavery-against its wrongful usurpations.† Up until that point, there were an equal number of slave and free states. How would the balance be maintained? Wilmot suggested that slavery remain only in the current slave states and not spread to any new territories. However, his plan was rejected, showing that neither side would compromise, but, instead, that the Union would break apart. Therefore, the Compromise of 1850 was passed as a way to appease the north and the south. Document E shows the distinct separation of slave and free states resultant of this compromise. This reveals a major breakup of the Union over slavery. Document F points out the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, created by Stephen Douglas, which divided the newly gained Nebraska Territory into two

Friday, December 20, 2019

Andrew Jackson, First Annual Message to Congress (1829) Essay

One of the many controversial issues of the early nineteenth century was the removal of the numerous indian tribes from there native land. Andrew jackson, A former frontiersman and Indian fighter, was a major catalyst in the removal of the Native Americans. Perhaps in response to the controversy surrounding Jacksons actions concerning the removal of the Indian, and obviously to justify his and the United States conduct towards the Native American people, jackson delivered a message to congress. The message is displayed in the message and papers of the presidents in a book titled Andrew Jackson, First Annual Message to Congress (1829) The message simply stresses the choice to continue to remove the†¦show more content†¦Although the two authors of the documents have equally passionate opinions, their perspectives couldnt be more dissimilar. By being able to objectively view each perspective through reading the documents, one is able to gain more knowledge about the plight of the Native Americans during the 19th century and also develop an opinion of his or her own on the issue. before reading message, one may have ahd a position completely against jacksons actions towards the issue of the removal of the indians. After reading the document and observing jacksons justifications one could perhaps develop a new opinion. jackson believes that seizing the land of the indians is a natural obligation for the Americans. He believes that the situation could be handled peacefully if the native americans surrendered quietly. jackson also believes that had the indians surrendered peacefully, the indian nations may have been spared. perhaps one may think that jackson presented his arguments for these points in the document very effectively. on the other hand one could have had an initial opinion that agrees with jackson but changed after reading the document to one that is in opposition. some may agree that jacksons reasoning isShow MoreRelatedJackson Dbq1652 Words   |  7 PagesThe generalization that, The decision of the Jackson administration to remove the Cherokee Indians to lands west of the Mississippi River in the 1830s was more a reformulation of the national policy that had been in effect since the 1790s than a change in that policy, is valid. Every since the American people arrived at the New World they have continually driven the Native Americans out of their native lands. Many people wanted to contribute to this removal of the Cherokees and their society. KnoxRead MoreThe Causes Of The Indian Removal Act?779 Words   |  4 PagesPresident Andrew Jackson urged the Congress to pass the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The Indian Removal Act was also known as The Trail of Tears. This act gave the government the power to force Native Americans to relocate from their homes and properties to west of the Mississippi River. The government desired their land.  "Georgia tried to reclaim this land in 1830, but the Cherokee protested and took the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court decided in favor of the Cherokee, however, the PresidentRead More DBQ on Jackson and the Indian Removal Essay1651 Words   |  7 PagesAndrew Jackson and the Indian Removal nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The generalization that, â€Å"The decision of the Jackson administration to remove the Cherokee Indians to lands west of the Mississippi River in the 1830s was more a reformulation of the national policy that had been in effect since the 1790s than a change in that policy,† is valid. Ever since the American people arrived at the New World they have continually driven the Native Americans out of their native lands. Many people wantedRead MoreEssay on Was Andrew Jackson a good president966 Words   |  4 PagesWas Andrew Jackson a good president Andrew Jackson was born in a backwoods settlement in the Carolinas in 1776. His parents, Scotch-Irish folk, came to America two years before his birth. His mother was widowed while pregnant with him. At age 13, Andrew joined a regiment. He and his brother were both captured and imprisoned together by the British. Their mother got them released, but his brother died on the long trip home. During his independent days, he lived in a tavern with other studentsRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830868 Words   |  4 PagesIndian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28th 1930 during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Perhaps best known as the black eye of the administration and overshadowing his presidency’s accomplishments, the Indian Removal Act was passed into law to allow the president to negotiate with Indians to purchase land they occupied and offer them lands west of the Mississippi. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 could also amount to pure greed and racism, the beginning of theRead MoreThe Jacksonian Democratic Party1423 Words   |  6 Pagesshort of some of their grandiose ideals for the â€Å"common citizen†. In fighting against an aristocratic economic overtake, like many before, the Jacksonian Democrats were vehemently opposed to the encroachment upon individual economic equality. For Andrew Jackson, that threat was the Second Bank of the United States. Criticizing the National Bank because, â€Å"it appears that more than a fourth part of the stock is held by foreigners and the residue is held by a few hundred of our own citizens, chiefly ofRead MoreThe Vanishing American: Historical Context Essays1678 Words   |  7 Pagesloyal to the authors ideals, The Vanishing American focuses on the plight of a vanquished tribe living in a world in which the ill-fated rarely receive a second chance. Understanding the theory of the Vanishing American can best be achieved by first identifying with the history of European settling of the New World. For evidence of popular thought dealing with the natives of America during the beginning of European exploration, one must look no further than the works of William Shakespeare. Read MoreAndrew Jackson : The Fifth Us President Essay2292 Words   |  10 Pages Andrew Jackson, born 15 March 1767, was the seventh US President (1829-1837) and was a part of the Democratic Party (Andrew Jackson - U.S. Presidents -, 2009). His early life began in hardship in poverty as a son of Irish immigrants whose family died during the British invasion of the Carolinas (1780-1781) (Andrew Jackson - U.S. Presidents -, 2009). Despite life’s unforgiving nature, he managed to study law during his teenage life and challenged the Carolina bar in 1787Read MoreEssay on Jeffersonian Vs. Jacksonian Democracy in the US1927 Words   |   8 Pages‘Jeffersonian democracy’? A period of nearly 30 years are associated with the Presidency of Jefferson, his successors and his ‘democracy’ from 1801 until Andrew Jackson’s election in 1828. A vision of a united, equal America, limited government and natural aristocracy ruled the Jeffersonian style of democracy. However, with the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828, a new form of democracy, differentiating in multiply ways to the Jeffersonian America, engulfed the American political and social scene. JacksonianRead MoreThe Land: Understanding Why the Land Is Important to the Cherokee Nation4099 Words   |  17 Pagesthe United States that it left the Cherokee Nation devastated. To begin to understand why the land was so important to the Cherokee, we must first become familiar with the Cherokee people and who they are. The Cherokee refer to themselves as the â€Å"Principal People† (Hanna, Charles A.). There are two views about Cherokee origins that are popular. The first one tells about how the Cherokee are latecomers to Southern Appalachia, who may have actually migrated in late archaic times from the northern

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mashawer case study free essay sample

Case Study Questions: 1. What kinds of applications are described in this case? What business functions do they support? Answer: The applications described in this case are: PDA, centralized application and SCADA. The business functions that the case supports: Manufacturing and production, finance and accounting and human resources. 2. What are the benefits from equipping their riders with PDAs? Answer: Through this technology Mashaweer decreases the amount of errors due to the fact that the messenger is tied to an automated process where he receives his tasks through the PDA handheld. And also to manages the following: 1. Tracking the order items progress. 2. Track the collecting of order fees. 3. Messaging the riders. 4. Track the cash and expenses. 5. Synchronizing data periodically and at the beginning of each shift. 3. Was it a good decision to expand the business to Cairo? What are the implications of information systems? Answer: Yes it was a good decision to expand the business to Cairo since the succeed in Alexandria. We will write a custom essay sample on Mashawer case study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The implications: Mashaweer heavily depends on technological advances that occur every day and depends on the tools so it benefit from the advancements and prices reductions that continuously take place. As a result Mashaweer’s total costs will be decrease, enabling it to decrease its prices and further improve its quality to become even more convenient for a large number of people. 4. Do you think that Mashaweer will be able to accomplish their future strategy and sustain its market share? Answer: Yes Mashaweer will be able to accomplish their future strategy and sustain its market. 5. Do you think in near future, the competition between Mashaweer and Wassaly will be aggressive? Why? Answer: No, because Wassaly is operating in much smaller scale than Mashaweer does. Mashaweer has several advantages that make it very hard for others to compete: Database of thousands of loyal clients. Self-investment is manageable. Highly qualified and carefully selected riders due to the high salaries compared to the delivery sector in Egypt. Various revenue streams. Being the owner of the IT Company Innov8 fosters technology integration in Mashaweer. Also Mashaweer has several unique selling propositions the main two aspects are being the first in the market and the only of its kind. Also the flexibility of their service.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Epidemiology and Patterns of Cancer in Sydney

Question: Discuss the aims and objectives, background and rationale, anticipated outcomes and significance. Answer: Aims and objectives The research proposal aims at understanding the patterns of different types of cancer in Sydney, which is one of Australias largest cities. The main research objectives will be to assess: the common types of cancer in Sydney and probable causes, the age-groups affected, and the challenges faced. Background and Rationale Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) can be simply defined as chronic diseases that cannot be transmitted from one person to another (WHO, 2015). Some of the common non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Ghaffer et al. 2004, p. 807). NCDs can affect any individual irrespective of age groups and display a slow progression (WHO, 2015). Risk factors such as diet, physical activity, tobacco consumption, and environmental pollution serve as pathways for epidemiological analyses of NCDs (Ghaffer et al. 2004, p. 807). NCDs cause approximately 60% deaths and 47% burden of diseases worldwide (Ghaffer et al. 2004, p. 807). Among the global incidents of non-communicable diseases, nearly 3/4th is recorded to occur in low- and middle-income groups worldwide. In some countries, high-income groups are also affected, but they gain easy access to treatment as compared to low-income groups (WHO, 2015). Chronic non-communicable diseases (CNDCs) are diseases that can impact people for prolonged durations and which do not have a causative agent or pathogen that gets transmitted from one patient to the other (Daar et al. 2007, pp.494-495). The CNCDs include: cardiovascular diseases, some forms of cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and type 2 diabetes; they account for nearly 44% premature deaths and a large proportion of disabilities worldwide (Daar et al. 2007). Cancer is common among children and its etiological factors can be evaluated by a descriptive epidemiology. Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) can greatly affect adults aged 55years and above and the overall increased incidents of NMSC have been linked to the rise in population. NMSC involves high treatment costs, thus increasing the economic burden of a country (Staples et al. 2002). Globally, Australia has the maximum number of cases affected by NMSC (Staples et al. 2002). Colorectal cancer is the next common type of cancer in Australia after NMSC. In Australia, cases of HPV (human papiloma virus)-associated cancers showed a marked rise between the years 1982 and 2005 (Hocking et al. 2011). Childhood cancer forms a small percentile of the total cases of cancer; however, establishing registries of incidents of childhood cancer enables evaluating the epidemiology of the cancers; the examination of survival rates and clinical features being feasible due to the small number of cases. The Australian Pediatric Cancer Register (APCR) was developed in the year 1977 to supply relevant information on the episodes of childhood cancer in Australia (Mcwhirter et al., 1996). Immune suppression following kidney transplantation can lead to an elevated risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. Diet and nutrition have been associated with different types of cancer (Brennan et al. 2010, p.1294). For example, excess alcohol intake has been linked to increased risk of cancer including breast cancer (Brennan et al. 2010, p.1294). CNCDs can be avoided by preventing smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, and using pharmaceuticals (Daar et al. 2007). A prudent or healthy diet can reduce the risk of breast cancer (Brennan et al. 2010). If precautions are not taken, there can be increased incidents of people affected by CNCDs (Daar et al. 2007). Research plan The proposed study will focus on understanding the distribution patterns and personal characteristics such as age and gender of people affected by cancer in Sydney, Australia. It will be conducted in selected zones of Sydney and the average of the data collected will yield a conclusion for the analysis. The zones will be decided in a way that enables interpretation of the cancer cases in Sydney. If surveys alone are used to gather information, the data may be limited. So, a combination of surveys and data obtained from major cancer hospitals will be used for this research to get an idea of the trends in cancer and its types in Sydney. Surveys will be obtained by face-to-face interviews and information with respect to age, gender, location, number of cancer incidents, and type of cancer will be recorded. Hospital data in each zone will be obtained by checking their average records for the last three years and for surveys, patients will be interviewed based on the principal of random sampling to record people affected by cancer. Nearly 10 interviews per zone would be sufficient to gather brief data. Statistical ratios and Poisson random variable will be applied for analyzing the data. A similar approach was applied by other researchers in the past and it proved to be successful. Anticipated Outcomes and Significance The outcome of the proposed research will provide information regarding proportion, age, and gender of people suffering from cancer and enable identification of the type/s of cancer which commonly affects individuals in Sydney. Cancer, a non-communicable disease, is largely impacting people around the globe with mortality and morbidity. Since certain lifestyle changes can prevent cancer, it is important to understand the extent to which a country or region is affected by cancer, so that relevant precautions and education about the measures that can prevent cancer can be spread. Collecting information from different areas in Sydney will allow to obtain an insight into the distribution patterns of cancer and assess if any geographic factors or produce from a particular area can increase the risk to any cancer. Proposed Timeline The proposed method is designed with a view to complete the project within a period of three to six months. If the time frame is longer, the proposed study will be extended to other regions of Australia to gather a more holistic data. Bibliography Brennan, S. F., (2010), Dietary Patterns And Breast Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis, Am J Clin Nutr., 91, 12941302. Daar, et al. (2007). Grand Challenges In Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, Nature, 450. English, D., (2012). Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer in Australia, The Medical journal of Australia. Ghaffar, A., et al., (2004). Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in South Asia. BMJ, 328. Hocking, J. S., et al., (2011). Head and Neck Cancer In Australia Between 1982 And 2005 Show Increasing Incidence Of Potentially HPV-Associated Oropharyngeal Cancers, British Journal of Cancer, 104, 886 891. McWhirter, W. R., et al., (1996). Childhood Cancer Incidence in Australia, 19821991, International Journal of Cancer, 65, 34-38. Staples, , M. et al., (2006). Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer In Australia: The 2002 National Survey And Trends Since 1985, Medical Journal of Australia, 184(1), 6-10. Who, (2015), Noncommunicable Diseases, Available at

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Major Environmental Issues Facing Zimbabwe Essay Example

Major Environmental Issues Facing Zimbabwe Paper It as a long history of biodiversity preservation, through the national parks, forest reserves and innovative community-based sustainable-use schemes such as CAMPFIRE. Nevertheless, the natural resources are under pressure from a growing population with limited economic alternatives. Land quality Zombie has the greatest fraction of its land area in good quality agricultural land. The economy of Zombie has a large agricultural component, and the majority of people are dependent on the land. The distribution of people and productive agricultural resources is uneven, leading to problems of land degradation where large numbers of people and vivisect are concentrated on marginal lands. Freshwater resources The Zambia River in the north is one of the largest rivers in Africa, but does not currently supply water to the rest of the country, which is water-scarce in most parts. The geology is generally not conducive to large groundwater supplies. Climate change Like the rest of southern Africa, Zombie is strongly influenced by fluctuations in rainfall. An improvement in the water balance as a result of climate change would be a great benefit; increase water stress, on the other hand, would be a substantial development challenge. Zombie environmental problems like erosion of its agricultural lands and deforestation. We will write a custom essay sample on Major Environmental Issues Facing Zimbabwe specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Major Environmental Issues Facing Zimbabwe specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Major Environmental Issues Facing Zimbabwe specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer By 1 992, deforestation was progressing at the rate of ha per year, or about 1. 5% of the nation’s forestland. The confinement of large segments of the population to relatively unproductive lands before independence put severe pressure on these lands, a substantial portion of which may have been irreversibly damaged. Zombie’s air is polluted by vehicle and industrial emissions, while water pollution results from mining and the use of fertilizers. Zombie’s cities produce 0. 5 million tons of solid waste per year and a good amount ends up in the rivers. The nation has been estimated to have the highest EDT concentrations in the world in its agricultural produce. In 2001 , nine of the nation’s mammal species and nine bird species were endangered, as well as 73 types Of plants. Zombie has about half of the world’s population of black rhinoceroses, an endangered species. Rare or threatened species include the cape vulture, black-cheeked lovebird, and brown hyena. For protection, the government has adopted a policy of shooting poachers on sight. Africans freshwater supply is almost stretched to its limit. Less than 10% of Africans rainfall is available as reface water, one of the lowest conversion ratios in the world. The country’s groundwater resources are equally limited. Despite regulations of river waters, in many catchments the need for water exceeds the supply and quality is often below standards. Given the projected growth in population and economic development, Africa faces tough times in meeting water demands in the decades ahead. The shortfall in freshwater is tied to growing demands, but also to other issues such as loss of natural habitat and potentially climate change. Destruction of natural habitats the land of the fine-leaved plants†, is one of the world’s most impressive botanical kingdoms – a mind-boggling variety of plants that is richer than any other comparable sized area in Africa. An estimated 8,500 species of vascular plants, of which 70% are endemic, are reported here. But because the area has been heavily settled for several centuries, large swathes of natural vegetation, particularly in the lowlands, have been cleared for agriculture and urban development. Similar problems face the Iamb-Karol-Achieved desert, a very distinctive and flirtatiously rich excretion with highly diverse endemic plant immunities. Here, poor land management, conversion of marginal lands for cultivation, dam construction, mining, and illegal extraction of selected succulents for black market trade, pose a suite of threats. Over fishing along the Coast, there is persistent over harvesting of many commercially valuable species and products such as pilchard, anchovy and rock lobster. Further at sea, some fish stocks have been over-harvested, and several species face local extinction. These dangerous trends follow improvements of fishing methods, increase in fishing effort and the establishment of fishing industries. Introduction of exotic species Africans natural habitats are being colonized by alien species at great rates. Introduced species, particularly North American game fishes such as largemouth bass and smoothly bass, are pushing out indigenous species and threaten to lead some of them to extinction. Pollution a high level of traffic associated with crude oil transport from the Arabian Gulf has resulted in contamination from tankers’ spills and discharge of polluted ballast waters. A strategy that is having impact on environment is the Wildlife Environment Zombie has fought for the conservation and protection of Zombie’s environment. WEEK has been on the forefront of conservation, lobbying for the establishment of National Parks and protected areas, assisting in the management of these, and spreading knowledge on conservation and environmental issues through our magazine, publications, and different environmental education projects. To encourage and assist all people Of Zombie to understand the importance of wildlife and the environment and to conserve Zombie’s natural resources for the well being of current and future generations and to ensure that the utilization of these natural resources is fair and sustainable. But Zombie is confronted by critical environmental and ecological problems. This has resulted in environmental degradation, declining population of endangered species, destruction of indigenous forest and wildlife habitats, soil erosion, pollution in all its forms, and ruthless exploitation of our natural resources for short-term profit. Partnership for Environmental Law Education is another strategy that’s s working to help prepare for a more sustainable future. Over the past three years, the Zombie Environmental Law Association in collaboration with Environment Africa and the Environmental Management Agency entered into partnership to educate rural and urban communities about their en vironmental rights and duties. Rural district councils, grassroots organizations, environmental actions groups, traditional leaders and government deep retests were among the groups that were trained. The partnership is driven by the need to address the main impediments to environmental justice, which are poverty and lack of knowledge. At the local level, knowledge about available rights and capacities to claim them are Often limited. It is therefore, the purpose of this project to lid the capacity of communities and locally based organizations to claim those rights and to promote the building of local institutions that can lead to the opening up of opportunities for improved access to natural resources, good health and improved livelihoods. Therefore, environmental law education provides the avenue for people to acquire knowledge and skills that enable them to act within their communities in an environmentally responsible way. To date, ZEAL Environment Africa and the Environmental Management Agency held close to fifteen joint workshops by pooling resources together. The partnership was a way of avoiding the duplication of work by the three organizations. In practice, ZEAL provides the legal advice while Environment Africa brings its experience and contacts with community groups. The Environmental Management Agency as a government agency brings the government perspective and commitment to natural resources management. Through this partnership, ZEAL and Environment Africa are in a better position to make contributions to legal reforms and to influence policy decisions on natural resources management and environmental protection. Tell, ZEAL has been reviewing draft regulations on waste management and indigenous knowledge systems that are being formulated by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The regulations seek to complement the Environmental Management Act. Another key output of the partnership is the formation of Environment Committees and Sub-Committee at the district level in the ten provinces of Zombie. Hare has witnessed an upsurge in the number of residents forming community based groups to spearhead waste collection efforts. These community groups are formed by people with a passion for the environment and who also want to earn a living from waste recycling and reuse. The formation of waste management groups is also partly due to the increase in the uncollected waste that has been accumulating around the City. However, the groups are just loose groups of individuals especially the youth which do not exist as legal entities. They have been finding it difficult to operate without registration as companies or common law trusts. Through workshops and seminars, the Zombie Environmental Law Association received requests from all the groups for legal assistance. Most of the requests are for their registration either as companies or trusts. ZEAL has agreed with Environment Africa and Practical Action to irk on a plan of action that will result in the registration of the groups. It is noteworthy that the efforts of these groups are a result of sustained education programmers on waste management and environmental protection around Hare by the civil society. Therefore, the formation of the waste management enterprises is one way of implementing the principles of environmental management contained in the Environmental Management Act and other pieces of legislation. The benefits of registration are that the groups can effectively engage the private sector and request for assistance as legal entity with traceable references.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Best Book Writing Software 14 Writing Tools For Authors [2019 Update]

Best Book Writing Software 14 Writing Tools For Authors [2019 Update] Best Book Writing Software: 14 Writing Tools For Authors [2019 Update] Want to find the best writing software for you in just MINUTES? Take this quiz and well tell you exactly which one will help your writing process the most.Click Here to Take the QuizWriting a book requires something major.It requires the right attitude, a powerful book idea, some solid writing prompts, and the best writing software out there.And we know which writing software is best for you and more importantly, why it matters.With the best writing tools, you can write faster and more effectively. You’ll be more focused, with fewer distractions, and you can actually learn a thing or two from some of them like Grammarly.And just as importantly, you’ll have an easier time keeping your outline, notes, and even those writing exercises organized.But even if you have all the best writing prompts and an imagination that wont quit, you cant do either without the right book writing software.You’ll have to make some choices. Nowadays, authors have so many options when l ooking for the best book writing software.These are 13 of the best book writing software programs both free and those thatll justifiably cost you so you can up your author game:Microsoft Word Word Processor, $79.99Scrivener Word Processor, $45Pages Word Processor, $28Freedom Productivity Software, $2.42/monthGoogle Docs Online Word Processor, FreeEvernote Note-Taking Software, FreeFocusWriter Word Processor, FreeFastPencil Word Processor, FreeyWriter Word Processor, FreeHemingway App Style Grammar Checker, FreeDropbox Document sharing platform,Free Open Office Word Processor,FreeGrammarly Editing Software, FreeLet’s get started by comparing the 3 book writing software â€Å"giants,† and then I’ll share some less well-known tools that might help improve your writing process even more. Which book writing software features are right for you?I’m not trying to sell you on any particular book writing software in this article. Instead, my goal is to give you an idea of what’s out there so you can weigh the options for yourself.Who knows- you may even discover a brand-new writing and publishing tool you absolutely love.In the end, the truth is that there are many great writing tools out there. It isn’t really a question of which tool is BEST. What it comes down to is: which tool works best with YOUR book writing process?There are 11 things to consider when deciding which program to use for your book:How easy is it to format text the way you want?Does it have templates available?How many?How much does it cost?Is the program simple easy to use?Does it offer any extra features or other bells whistles?How about a distraction-free writing experience?Is the program user-friendly?Can you access your files no matter where you are?How easy is it to collaborate with editors team members?Is there distribution capabilities when its time to publish?The Top 3 Book Writing Software ProgramsWriters everywhere flock to these specific tools and claim them to be the best book writing software for them. Well break down each so you can decide for yourself if their features are the best fit.#1 Microsoft WordBefore any other writing tools came along, Microsoft Word was the only option available. Everyone used it.Today, even though there are many other word processors out there, Word is still the most widely used book writing software in the U.S. Millions of people continue to use it for their writing needs.And it’s easy to see why. Word has a lot going for it!It’s been around a long time. It’s trusted, reliable, and gets the job done well.It also provides a relatively distraction-free writing experience; much better than working on Google Docs in your browser, for example, where you’re only an errant mouse-click away from the entire internet.If you just need to wake up in the morning and meet your word-count goals by keeping your head down and getting those words pounded out onto the page, then Word is an obvious choice of book writing software. No fuss, no muss. It’s about as simple as it gets.Word also offers some simple organization. While writing your chapters, changing the chapters heading (seen in the example below) allows easy navigation as your book progresses further and further.Using headers, you can organize your book into chapters- and then you can navigate through them quickly using the Navigation pane:In order to view your navigation pane in outline-format click: View Navigation Pane (its a box to check) select the bullet/outline tab within the navigation pane (seen above).You can also create your own free book writing template using Word. And if you start writing your book in Word and don’t begin with the correct formatting, it’s pretty easy to clean up your formatting to make it â€Å"book ready† with a few simple steps.If you’re a Word user and you’ve got your own system in place for writing books , then perhaps you need to look no further.But as a writing tool, Word does have some downsides.For starters, it doesn’t always play well with Macs. If you use a Mac, then Word might cause you a lot of frustration with crashes and formatting.Thankfully, Apple offers a comparable program called Pages, that we reviewed below for you.Word is also pretty vanilla. That’s part of its appeal, sure, but it also means Word lacks some of the more advanced features you get with other programs like Scrivener and Google Docs.For example, Scrivener offers more advanced outlining functionality. And Google Docs makes it easier to share and collaborate on your files.All in all, Word is a solid contender for best book writing software. But there are many other choices out there.Book Writing Software Cost: $79.99 if purchased separately.#2 Scrivener You just learned that Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processor in the world. But does that mean it’s the best book writ ing software?Think about it this way. The fact that Word is so prevalent means that it has to cater to all sorts of users- students, businesspeople, writers, teachers, marketers, lawyers, the list goes on and on and on.But Scrivener was created for one type of person only:Writers.And if you’re a writer, chances are you’ve heard of Scrivener. A lot of writers absolutely love this program, with its advanced features and distraction-free writing experience.In short, Scrivener gives you an insane amount of flexibility for writing, formatting, and organizing your book for self-publishing.Blogger and author, Jeff Goins, swears by Scrivener after giving up word. He says,â€Å"I wasted years of my life doing all my writing on Microsoft Word. But that’s all over now. I have finally seen the light.†Entrepreneur Michael Hyatt also praises Scrivener: â€Å"I now begin every piece of content- no matter what it is- with this tool. It has simplified my life and enabled me to focus on the most important aspect of my job- creating new content. I am more productive than ever.† Here are some of the top takeaways of this book writing software:Helps with plotting for fiction authorsEasily export your data to other digital platforms such as Kobo, ibooks, etc. (this is one of the best features)Provides outlining functionality that keeps your content organizedPowerful composition mode with distraction-free writing environmentEasily drag and drop to move sections aroundProvides a collection of robust templatesSupports MultiMarkdown for bullets and numbersBecause Scrivener was designed for writers, it’s super easy to lay out scenes, move content around, and outline your story, article, or manuscript.Instead of keeping all your content in one big file, Scrivener allows you to create multiple sub-files to make it easier to organize and outline your project: Scrivener is a fabulous tool for plotting out storylines. Using the corkboard view, for in stance, you can recreate the popular â€Å"notecard method† for outlining your project:But as awesome as Scrivener is, it’s not perfect.And the biggest downside to using Scrivener is the steep learning curve involved. You aren’t going to master this program overnight.But if you’re serious about your writing career, then investing the time to learn this specific writing tool will be worth it. You’ll save time and energy in the long run.And if you want to learn how to use Scrivener as quickly easily as possible, we can help! Heres a full Scrivener tutorial so you can easily maneuver this program. If you want to dig even deeper, you can also download the Scrivener Manual, or watch the Scrivener YouTube tutorials they’ve put together at Literature Latte. Long story short: Scrivener is an investment, but one thats worth it. It will take some time to master. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll never go back- it’s the single mos t powerful book writing software out there.If you like what you see from Scrivener, you can buy it here:Buy Scrivener 3 for macOS (Regular License)Buy Scrivener for Windows (Regular License)Book Writing Software Cost: $45#3 Google Docs We’ve looked at the appealing simplicity of Word and the in-depth power of Scrivener, but there’s another book writing software that more and more people are starting to use for various reasons:Google Docs.ï » ¿Essentially, Google Docs is a stripped-down version of Word that you can only use online. It’s a simple, yet effective writing tool.The beauty of this program (and Google Drive in general) comes in the ability to share content, files, and documents among your team. You can easily communicate via comments, for example: This program keeps a complete history of all changes made to a document, so if you accidentally delete something you wanted to keep, simply click the link at the top of the screen that says, â€Å"All chang es saved in drive.†That will bring up the version history, where you can review all the changes that have been made to your book file and revert to a previous version if you so choose.Google Docs doesn’t require any installation and can be accessed anywhere via your browser, or an app on your phone.(Anyone who has ever lost a draft of a book understands how valuable this feature is!)And here’s one of the best features: everything is saved on the server frequently and automatically, so you never have to fret about losing a version or draft of your workPlus you can access your work when you move from one location or another- no carrying a laptop or thumb drive around with you. When you share a book draft with others, like test readers or your editor, they can comment directly on the draft using the built-in comment functionality.Out of the â€Å"big 3† book writing software tools, Google Docs is probably the least sophisticated when it comes to formatting an d outlining tools. But it makes up for that with easy collaboration, sharing, and online access.Book Writing Software Cost: FreeBook Writing Software You Might Not Know AboutLets get to know some of the best book writing tools you can use to up your author game and make some progress.Just because you may not be familiar with a specific writing software doesnt mean its not beneficial or even better than what youre using now.#1 Pages Think of Pages as the Mac alternative to Microsoft Word.It has a variety of beautiful templates to choose from, has a simple design, and syncs with all devices from within iCloud so you can access it in a number of different places.Personally, I love the ease of Pages. It works great for creating ebooks or manuscripts with a variety of writing tools you can get creative with.Book Writing Software Cost: $28#2 FreedomFreedom isn’t technically a writing tool, but it sure can help improve your writing. It’s a productivity app designed to help eliminate distractions by blocking certain websites something more than beneficial for those of us who get sidetracked easily.For example: let’s say you have a tendency to get distracted by social media sites. All you have to do us start a Freedom session that blocks all your social media sites- and then you won’t be able to visit them even if you wanted to.Here’s what it looks like when you schedule a session:Notice that you have a lot of options. You can schedule one-time sessions (starting now or later), or you can set up recurring sessions (for example, to block distracting sites every day when it’s time to write).When you try to visit a site that’s being blocked, you’ll get this message:This is a really liberating tool. Once you know you don’t have the option of visiting those distracting sites, you’ll find it easier to keep focused on your writing and you’ll be able to get a lot more done.Book Writing Software Cos t: $2.42/month and up, or $129 for lifetime access.#3 UlyssesIf youre a Mac owner, this might be the best book writing software for you. While you do have to pay $39.99 per year to use it, the cost to use Ulysses is completely justified.One of the best features has to be the distraction-free capabilities. As a writer who gets distracted easily, this is definitely a feature I look for in a good book writing software. This one is also great for exporting. Meaning, you can do all your writing in-app and then export it in relatively any format youd need in order to send it to your editor, critique partner, or even beta readers.And if youre someone who has a hard time keeping all of your notes and ideas organized for your book, this app also has a feature that helps you keep all of it straight!Say goodbye to forgetting what you wanted to add in that obscure scene you wrote two months ago!Overall, this is one of the best book writing software programs out there for Mac users. But if your e not sure if its worth the price, you can actually try it forfree for 14 days. What a deal!Book Writing Software Cost: $39.99/yearFree Book Writing SoftwareTheres not much we love more than getting stuff for free especially when it comes to our aspirations. You dont have to doll out a ton of cash just to use highly beneficial book writing software.In fact, there are many bestfree book writing software programs.#1 FastPencil FastPencil is a nice little platform with lots of tools. You can also use it for distributing your ebook. It is free to start writing with, but they offer paid services as well.Everything happens online in your browser, which means you can access your files from any computer (as long as you’re connected to the Internet).Here’s what the word processor looks like:Book Writing Software Cost: Free (paid upgrades are optional)#2 FocusWriterFocusWriter is a word processor for writers thats intended to eliminate distractions to help you get your book w ritten quicker. Its a basic, lightweight writing tool that was designed to be completely free of progress inhibiting distractions.In its fullscreen mode, there are no toolbars or additional windows, just a background and your text so that you can concentrate solely on writing your draft.FocusWriter also allows you to choose what your screen looks like, as seen in the example below.You can customize the image in the background to suit your project to help inspire your writing.It’s simple and effective. If you need a lot of features, it probably won’t work for you. But if simplicity is your thing, then you may have found your perfect free writing tool.Book Writing Software Cost: Free#3 yWriter yWriter is a really popular word processor (intended mainly for novelists) with some impressive features (especially for a program that’s completely free).It helps keep your project organized by giving you space to include notes on all sorts of things, like character notes, scene notes, scene goals, etc.You can specify whose point of view each scene will be written in, and you can see the word count of your entire novel broken out by chapter- all at a quick glance:One thing that yWriter does differently than a lot of other writing programs is focus on scenes rather than on chapters. A lot of writers prefer this since scenes are usually fun chunks of story to work on.And using yWriter, you can rearrange all those scenes to compose a compelling novel.I’d call it a Scrivener alternative thats free to use. But one downside is that it only works for Windows (at least, for now).Book Writing Software Cost: Free#4 EvernoteEvernote is a note-taking app. It’s a great way to keep track of your thoughts- like brainstorming ideas, outlining chapters, and jotting down inspiration when it strikes.The mobile app is particularly useful for capturing new ideas when they strike, since most people have their phone with them 24/7. This is what it looks like on a mobile device:While Evernote has been around for a little while, they seem to always be expanding on their features, making it one of the best writing softwares out there.Here’s are some of the extended features Evernote offers:While you can use Evernote to write content- I’ve used it for writing blogs and other small sections of books- you wouldn’t want to use it as your main word processor. Its functionality is a bit too limited.But as a way of keeping track of ideas, it’s a great find.Book Writing Software Cost: Free, but there is a cool upgrade for $5 a month that gets you Evernote Premium#5 Hemingway EditorThe Hemingway Editor is a unique kind of writing tool. It’s a style checker that’s designed to help tighten up your prose and make your writing clear and bold. Simply paste your writing into the editor and scroll through. You’ll notice that the program highlights certain words passages- like long, hard-to-read sentences , passive verbs, and phrases with simpler alternatives.Its basically your own personal editor rolled into a writing software.Here’s an example of what it looks like:(Yikes. Too bad Dickens didn’t have this app.)What I love about this tool is how easy it is to use. Everything is color-coded and super easy to understand, so you can see at a glance where your writing could use a little elbow grease.Book Writing Software Cost: Free, or you can purchase the desktop version for $19.99.#6 DropboxReading this, you may be wondering:Dropbox? How is that a writing tool?Trust me- it is!While it’s true that Dropbox isn’t a word processor like Scrivener or yWriter, it is a very helpful writing tool. Especially for writers who write on more than one computer, who need to collaborate with other writers or editors, or who want an easy way to back up their work.Here’s how it works:When you set up Dropbox and install it on your computer, it will create a new â€Å" Dropbox† folder on your machine.Any files that you save in this folder will be automatically backed up to Dropbox’s servers in the cloud, which will be automatically downloaded to any other computers that are synced to that same Dropbox account.A lot of writers choose to save their book on Dropbox, so that it will be automatically backed up. And as you can see, it looks the same as any other folder on your computer:Using this strategy, you can make it easier to share and collaborate on your files- even if you aren’t using Google Docs.Book Writing Software Cost: Free for a basic plan, or $9.99/month for extra storage.#7 Open OfficeYou may know of this software, you may not. Essentially, its a free version of a word processor much like Word or Pages. If you dont have Word on your computer and cant afford to buy it, this is a great alternative thatll get the job done.Heres what this book writing software looks like:The capabilities are pretty limited with Open Offi ce but if you really only need the basics and dont want to spend any money, this is the perfect writing software for you.Book Writing Software Cost:Free#8 PauseForIf youre someone who needs incentive to stay off your phone (and actually write), this is a perfect writing software.Technically, its not for writing. PauseForis a productivity app designed to motivate you to stay off your phone. That means you can get more writing done by spending less time scrolling through Twitter or whatever your social medial of choice is.How?PauseFor is designed for YOU to set a time, and then not pick up your phone until that time is done.But whats the incentive?The longer you stay off your phone and the more sessions you complete successfully, the more youll have to DONATE. Thats right. You can be a philanthropist AND a writer at the same time.Simply set your time, dont touch your phone, and collect your Kin. When you a certain amount, you get to choose where the donations go.Book Writing Software Cost: Free + the added benefit of feeling great about donating#9 GrammarlyIf you havent heard of this editing software, youve been living under a rock. It has taken over as one of the most versatile simple editing softwares and for a good reason.We have a Grammarly review that covers all the features and functions but essentially, this is a browser extension you can download and it automatically corrects your grammar and spelling in whichever online medium youre writing on. This writing software is perfect if you need to brush up on your grammar or are looking for an easy way to sound professional in written emails as well.Book Writing Software Cost: Free with upgrade optionsHow Much Does Book Writing Software Programs Cost?I would recommend not worrying too much about the cost of these programs. After all, dropping $100 or less on a program is not that big a deal if it is going to help improve your writing for years to come.That said, I know you work hard for your money- and you want to get the best deal you can!Here is a breakdown of the most recent prices for all of the tools in this article along with their comparative features:Writing SoftwareCostMicrosoft Word$79.99Scrivener$45Pages$28Freedom$2.42/monthGoogle DocsFreeEvernoteFreeFocusWriterFreeFastPencilFreeHemingway AppFreeDropboxFreeOpen OfficeFreeyWriterFreeWhats Your Favorite Book Writing Software?Take some time to check out each of these tools if you aren’t already using them. Stay focused on crafting your next book and stick with the book writing software that gives you the best results in terms of saving you money, time, and frustration.Keep writing. Keep it simple. Best of all, enjoy the creative process!Now that you have these awesome tools at your disposal, what is your favorite writing tool? What best suits your needs as an author? Can you speed up the writing process with any particular tool?What to do NextWriting a book takes a lot more than discovering some helpful book writing sof tware. Heres what you can do right now to head in the right direction with your book.#1 Join your free training!The process of learning never stops when it comes to writing and publishing a book. And just because you have a fancy piece of software doesnt mean writing a book will come naturally.In fact, it hardly ever does.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Social Dimensions of the Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Dimensions of the Economic Growth - Essay Example This paper is an attempt to look on economic development not just as a measure of a country’s or the world’s economic progress, as a whole, but as a human development issue, incorporating the social dimension in the context of the economic development. Economic development is understood as the analysis of economic progress of nations. However, looking at the core of it, it becomes more than just the monetary computation of the economic value of the country, rather it is an amalgam of sociology, anthropology, history, politics and, all-too- often, ideology. Development is a social phenomenon that involved more than increasing per capita output, but necessitates eliminating poverty, unemployment and inequality as well A country’s economy is measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product. GDP is the total money value of goods and services produced in a country in one year, while GDP per capita is a measure of the value of products made and services provided by each person, a measure of the average productive capacity of people. Despite economic developments rates of some countries, the world still watches its people go hungry. The world through the different agencies like the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund have been vigilant about this global issue. Economic growth is more than the numbers. If the supposed economic development does not trickle down to feed the hungry mouths at the grassroots level, the numbers are insignificant. What will matter in the end are its people and their development as humans.